– by Ludwig Lindermayer –

At PAUSTIAN & PARTNER we are very happy to work with the Bavarian Office of BVMW regarding the China-IP-Helpdesk for BVMW-members.

Also, China’s revised patent law came into effect today (01. June 2021).

It contains amendments regarding
– increase in punitive damages and introduction of statutory damages (quite interesting for patent holders)
– design patents – partial designs are also patentable
– patent term extensions (somewhat similar to the US)
– special regulations regarding novelty in exceptional cases (e.g. national emergency)
– special proceedings for the pharmaceutical industry to stop marketing authorization in view of potential infringement

All in all quite exiting amendments strengthening the position for patent holders and applicants.
However, it has to be seen how the new law will be implemented and “lived” in “real court life”.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions on the revised patent law or IP in China in general – we’re happy to help!

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