Infrastruktur, Aufzug, Patent, Patentanmeldung

Transport Infrastructure

Our world is one of mobility – both our own individual mobility as well as the continual and location-independent availability of goods is today virtually a given. Transport and conveyor systems also play a key role within buildings and production facilities. We are currently experiencing the advent of communication networks with transmission capabilities enabling the seamlessly integrated networking of mobility and logistics. The introduction of the fifth generation of wireless communications is just around the corner, and thus new mobility opportunities abound up to and including intermodal autonomous transport systems. We will then for example see self-directed flows of goods, automatically performed maintenance tasks or even largely autonomous road and rail traffic.

We are as well-versed in automation and digitization as we are in mechatronic integration, infrastructure and material flows. Working together with you, our attorneys can formulate optimal protection for your interests and establish your well-fortified position among the competition.

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