Due Dilligence
Due diligence with respect to an intellectual property portfolio (e.g. of patents, trademarks, etc.) can come into play for example when:
– selling or licensing a portfolio;
– using a portfolio to borrow against or when a portfolio comes into question as collateral for financing; or
– disclosing value-enhancing information when going public.
Our due diligence of a patent portfolio includes analyzing the legal validity of the patents. We moreover scrutinize the extent to which each individual patent is commercially relevant: Does a product or the standard for a standard-based product fall within its scope of protection? Our experience additionally allows for assessing the IP processes which resulted in the portfolio, as enabled by a comprehensive evaluation of the organizational background.
Our team represents a unified resource of technical, legal and economic expertise in providing value assessments. While we can conduct due diligence autonomously on the basis of your input, our assessments are, first and foremost, based on jointly-developed criteria.