Robotik, künstliche Intelligenz, Patent, Patentanmeldung

Robotics & Artificial Intelligence

Commercial robots, initially categorized as predominantly series-actuated mechanisms, were soon outfitted with additional sensor systems such as cameras. These systems were mainly found in major industries and relegated to cells. It’s only been in the last few that they can now also be found in small and medium-sized businesses (SME), in hospitals, in the transport sector and – at least to a small extent – in normal households. Drones are used in earth reconnaissance and military applications. But safety systems and localization processes are essential considerations to ensure robots and humans can share the same work space. Robotics thereby also forms the basis for other technologies, e.g. self-driving vehicles. With artificial intelligence robots might also be able to work in unstructured environments.

Although friendly personal humanoid assistants still seem a long way off, our scientific, legal, and industrial experience in the robotics field will support you comprehensively in protecting your inventions along the way.

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