Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Hewel
Patent Attorney (GER) • European Patent Attorney • European Trademark and Design Attorney
Christoph advises and represents clients in all areas of intellectual property, in particular on intellectual property rights for information technology, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. In the course of his career, he has gained in-depth experience in infringement proceedings, in particular by representing clients in multinational litigation in the field of telecommunications as well as in the field of computer-implemented inventions.
In addition, Mr. Hewel has specialized in the patentability of inventions in the field of machine learning (i.e. artificial intelligence), in particular by representing various European research institutions in the field of autonomous driving (in particular in computer vision).
In this context, he has initiated several research projects in the area of Machine Learning / NLP (Natural Language Processing) since 2018 and is co-author of various scientific publications. He thereby focuses on Transformer-based models trained on machine-reading-comprehension tasks in patent texts (e.g., for prior art search).