Dr.-Ing. Martin Kuschel, LL.M.

German Patent Attorney • European Patent Attorney • Representative before the UPC

Martin Kuschel advises and represents clients in all areas of intellectual property law, in particular on protective rights for telecommunications, electrical engineering, and mechatronics. He has vast experience with the protection of computer-implemented inventions and with standard-essential patents (SEP).

Martin worked as senior inhouse counsel for Huawei Technologies and before that in R&D of Kuka Robotics. Due to his industrial experience, he advices on IP-organization, service inventions, and R&D contracts.

He is regularly involved in infringement and nullity proceedings, e.g: Ericsson vs. Huawei, ZTE v. Huawei, UWP v. Huawei, Optis Cellular v. Huawei, Showrunner Ltd v. Huawei, Hitachi/Maxell v. Huawei, Lenovo v. Neodron, Promptu v. Sky; Promptu v. Sky (FCJ).

You can find his CV as here.

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