Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Nissl, LL.M.

German Patent Attorney • European Patent Attorney • European Trademark and Design Attorney

Technology and law – Dr. Alexandra Nißl draws on impressive expertise in both fields. Building on a technical apprenticeship, she then studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and broadened her engine design expertise before earning a doctorate in development methodology. This provided the foundation for her legal training as a patent attorney and a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) in European intellectual property rights.

Her many years of technical and legal experience enable Dr. Nißl to provide in-depth analysis and assessment of existing situations from a technical as well as legal standpoint. Jointly deriving courses of action together with our clients, which often incorporates aspects of both offense as well as defense, is what frames the guiding principles behind her advisory activity in both a national as well as international context.

You can find her CV as PDF here.

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