Daten gesichert nach ISO 27001

Protection of Your Digital Data According to ISO 27001

Data security plays an increasingly important role in companies due to the increasing amount of digital data. Data security means that data is sufficiently protected against theft, manipulation and illegal access.

At PAUSTIAN & PARTNER your digital data is secured according to the industry standard ISO 27001. Data is stored in professional data processing centres in Germany. Digital communication of data is done by end-to-end encryption and with standard programs. Data storage is redundant and continuously electronically and physically monitored. Passwords for employee accounts must comply with specified guidelines. Access and changes to data are monitored.

PAUSTIAN & PARTNER thus meet clients’ requirements for efficient and secure data management. Paper files, which force local inflexible working and hinders efficient communications with clients, or law-firm-based data storage, which does not guarantee professional security, are things of the past for PAUSTIAN & PARTNER.

We gladly explain more about our technical and organisational measures for protection of your digital data in our law firm.

You can find the legally required information on data protection here.

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