Dr.-Ing. Markus Petermann

German Patent Attorney • European Patent Attorney • European Trademark and Design Attorney • Founding Partner (no longer in the office)

Dr. Markus Petermann sought to become a patent attorney in order to add legal capabilities to his considerable experience as a consultant in the protection of technical and corporate-based organizational know-how. When faced with a drain of know-how, its exploitation can be prohibited. This concept continues to inspire him today.

To Dr. Petermann, the underlying philosophy gives rise to a universe of possibilities when devising IP protection to maximize the utility and value of his clients’ core know-how. Each case calls for a fresh consideration of the best means and approaches to benefit the particular situation.

His analytical understanding of technology is thereby based on his mechanical engineering degree from the Technical University of Munich and his doctorate in Systems Engineering. Then, spending more than seven years in patent and trademark firms likewise honed his talent as an interest-based, solution-oriented negotiator.

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