Provisional measures can be ordered by the Unified Patent Court (UPC) to prevent an imminent infringement of the patent or to prohibit the continuation of an alleged infringement. If necessary, the court can prohibit the continuation of the infringement under...
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  A protective letter can be used to file arguments with a court regarding the non-infringement or invalidity of a patent in order to immediately oppose a subsequent application for a preliminary injunction based on this and to defend against...
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UPC current status
Latest News December 2023: The launch of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the Unitary Patent has been postponed by two months. The reason for this is that the preparations for the case management system have not yet been completed....
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Unified Patent Court; Einheitliches Patentgericht
Function and architecture of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) In our series on the new Unitary Patent and the new Unified Patent Court (UPC), we have already written about the historical background (here), the EU legal basis (here) and the...
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Unified Patent Court
On January 19, 2022, the “Protocol to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court on provisional application” entered into force. This starts the countdown to the Unified Patent (“UP”) and the Unified Patent Court (“UPC”). An overview of the next...
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Vereinheitlichter Patentschutz
The need for a common European patent protection In contrast to many areas of law with cross-border implications, patent law in the European Union mostly has remained stuck in the territoriality principle. Each EU member state is responsible for granting...
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EU patent
The legal basis for granting and enforcing the unitary patent consists of two European regulations and a multinational agreement, which, however, is open only to EU member states. This is intended to enable unitary patent protection that extends to the...
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