Ludwig Lindermayer
M.Eng. / Ingénieur diplômé de l’EPF
Patent Attorney & Trademark Attorney (DE) • European Patent Attorney • European Trademark and Design Attorney
Ludwig Lindermayer counsels and represents clients on trademarks and patents. He counsels with a focus in start-ups and SMEs, also regarding strategy and enforcement in Asia – China in particular. He covers -among others- developing a portfolio strategy, freedom-to-operate even with product development, enforcement during trade fairs and inter-partes procedures regarding all industrial property rights. Altogether he is rather no “typical attorney” and counsels preferably in an unconventional, pragmatic, human, direct manner – all with the focus on the client’s economical success.
Mr. Lindermayer started his career with an apprenticeship as a mechanic. A French/German Master’s program in the fields of production engineering, several stays abroad and a job as production engineer followed. For several years, he counselled government agencies in the UAE and also participated in a Sino/German exchange program for IP attorneys. He is a guest lecturer on IP topics and privately gets his hands oily restoring historical trucks & cars. He is a patent applicant himself.